Next day, Ryoko came back from Tokyo and nine of us had great time. Steven is making a plane for Sota and Gen ya. They were nice and quiet watching him making it for a while.
These two boys are so active. Sota showed us how to do sit ups in his diaper. Pretty good for two year boy! My brother did horsy thing for them and I am sure he gets tired at the end of the day because he is only one year younger than me. Well they are all happy so no complaints! Ryoko got them shoes from her amazon store. Gen ya is trying his new shoes. すぐに走り回り、奏太はおむつのまま腕立て伏せをして見せます。2歳にしては上出来だなあ。弟は2人の息子を乗せてお馬さんごっこ。これじゃ、一日の終わりにはドット疲れることまちがいなし。だって彼は私より一年若いだけだもん。まあ、みんなとても幸せそうにしているから文句はナシね。涼ポンは職場のアマゾンから靴をプレゼント。弦也がうれしそうにためし履きしてるとこ。
We all got together because of our father's memorial day but there is one more reason this year. We will see what it is tomorrow. みんなが集まったのはパパの命日ということもあるのだけど、今年はもうひとつ理由が。明日になればわかります。