Saturday, June 20, 2009

New door, shades, and gardening

More updates for home development. We changed the entrance door! We didn't like the original black one. It looked OK from outside but it was awful from inside because it was solid black door without windows. It looked like a door they use to go to the stairs at apartments. Now this mahogany door has pretty window and brings more lights! VERY NICE! The pic below shows (from left) old door, new door from outside, new one from inside.

I also made Roman shades! When we got a quote from shade store near us and it was $1,850 for 4 windows. Kidding me, right? We are not asking replacing windows, just SHADES! So I found the site sells kit, You measure your windows and enter the size there and it will calculate the size of hardware, liners, cords and everything and if you order it, they will cut and prepared for the base. I just needed get the outside fabric at the fabric store and sewed. It was fun to make them, too. The kit was $50 per window and decorative fabric was $8 per window so the total cost was $232 instead of $1,850!
窓のカーテンも作ったの。これはローマンシェードというタイプです。家の近くのカーテン屋さんで見積もりをしてもらったら窓4つで20万円近くかかるという。冗談でしょ。窓を取り替えるんじゃないのよ。カーテンよ、カーテン!それでインターネットでシェードのキットを売るサイトを見つけました。 窓のサイズを測り、このサイトの計算システムに入力すると必要な材料の寸法を全て計算してくれます。注文すれば、ベースになる木材や、コード、内張りの布などサイズどおりにカットしてくれるので、外側の布を買って、後は縫うだけ。縫うのも楽しかったし、この注文したキットは窓ひとつにつき、5000円前後。外側の布は窓ごとに800円くらいしかかかってないので、4つの窓での合計は23,000円くらいです。20万円なんてとんでもないよねえ。

My artist aunt, Ajiko gave me this portrait of me. I posed for her drawing when I was in my late 20's. She used this when she had her big exhibition in Japan in May. The title of this piece is "Profile-M".

We planted some herbs in the whiskey barrel, tomatoes and eggplants in the plant boxes which Steven made. I am hugging my tomato plants because I am so happy that finally I can plant something! Made a mosaic steeping stone also to remember our foundation here at our home.

Also planted a Japanese maple tree and a Meyer lemon tree. The plant has already tiny lemons and cannot wait to see them turning yellow (and big).

We got a grill and using it everyday. Sanma fish (saury) was great! Could have been stinky for the neighbors but they were so tasty. BBQグリルも買って毎日のように使っています。さんま焼いた時はおいしかったなあ。ご近所には臭くて迷惑だったかもしれないけど、たまらない旨さ!

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