Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Autumn day...

On the last day of Thanksgiving weekend, I bothered Steven who was quietly reading his book to go pick up some Autumn harvests. Look at these beautiful pine cones. I am very excited to make something with them. Wreath? Christmas ornament? It is fun to think what to make when you have good materials. サンクスギビングの連休の最終日、静かに本を読んでいるStevenをつついて、秋の実りを拾いに行きました。松ぼっくりがこんなにたくさん。きれいな色でしょ?何を作ろうかワクワクしながら考えています。ドアリース?クリスマスのオーナメント?いい素材があると何を作るか考えるのがとても楽しい。

We also found some beautiful leaves. I needed to do something fast with them since they are not going to last so long.きれいな落ち葉も拾ってきました。こっちは早く何かしないと枯れちゃいます。

So I made a wall decoration and...それで小さな壁飾りを作ったり…

...drew them and make some cards. 絵を描いてカードにしたりしました。

Today was my father in law's birthday and this is the hat I made and sent to him earlier along with a National Geographic magazine which has beautiful astronomic pictures chosen by Steven. He said the magazine reminds him of the TV series he watched with his father when he was a child so it is going to be a great present. I thought the magazine and this hat was a good combination because when dad wanted to go out to see some stars after he reads the magazine, it will keep him warm. I also put a tag with his initials on it.

The sausage and french lentils stew is good in cold weather. 寒い夜はソーセージとレンズ豆のシチュー。

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey day!! We went to my host family, The Gillespies in Santa Cruz. We had great Thanksgiving dinner that Jean made. Oh it was so delicious! The turkey was so juicy and tender, the stuffing muffin was crispy and had a lot of flavor, the asparagus and green beans were cooked JUST RIGHT! (still crispy!) and both veggies were in two different flavors, mashed potatoes was creamy & smooth and fruit jello was also excellent! Oh, she is a great cook!
Yummy moist turkey...How does she do this???しっとりしたこのターキーはどうやって焼くんだろう!

I made cheese cake with mixed berries. 私が作って持っていったものは3つ。ベリー類を乗せたチーズケーキ。

and Appetizer:Salmon&Cream cheese(red onion/capers), Avocado cream, and Chicken salad(cucumber+green onion) on crackers.そして前菜:スモークサーモンとクリームチーズ(紫玉ねぎ・ケーパー入り)、アボカドのペースト、チキンサラダ(きゅうりと小ねぎ入り)をクラッカーに乗せて。

I also made this table center. It is in a pumpkin!! 
We had a great time eating dinner, chatting and playing board/card games. I always feel like I am home when I visit them....They are my starting point of my life in US. おいしいディナーをいただき、おしゃべりして、ゲームをしてとても楽しい一日でした。あそこへ行くといつも家に戻った気がする。私のアメリカ人生のスタート地点だから。

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Beaujolais Nouveau!

Today was the first day to get to drink Beaujolais Nouveau. I know it is kind to silly to get trapped by marketing of wine industry and buy this so-so wine but you know, it is one of festivals and I like any festive events. I did not only buying the wine but I made some dinner go with the wine. ボジョレーヌーボー解禁日。ワイン業界のマーケティングの罠にかかってまあまあのワインを買うのはアホらしいけど、イベントのひとつだし、イベント大好きなわたしだからいいのです。ワイン買うだけじゃなくてそれに合うフランスめいた夕食も作ります。

Mussels Provencal. Steamed mussels in wine, onion, tomato, garlic, parsley and butter. Got great soup so we dipped baguette into it. Tres bien! プロバンス風ムール貝。ワイン、玉ねぎ、ガーリック、トマト、パセリ、バターで蒸しました。
Salad with balsamic vinegar grazed figs, Roquefort cheese (Yeah, French cheese!) and walnuts. バルサミコ酢で焦がしたイチジクと、例のフランスチーズ(Roquefort cheese)と胡桃とグリーンサラダ。

Well, we are low key here to celebrate this day. Japanese people make a big deal of this French event. 私達はこうやって静かにすごしましたが、日本では相変わらず楽しそうなイベントが。

like...having a big party at midnight of the third Friday of Nov for it....夜中のパーティーや…or bathing in it....oh my gosh, Japanese people! ボジョレーヌーボーのお風呂ってのはちょっと違うんではないかと…。

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Autumn Scarf and some dishes

Finished a long scarf. I love this fall color yarn. Look at these beauties. My yarn is "Autumn Forest" at the bottom of the page. Somehow I like watching these yarn more than watching them in knitting. Maybe I like the balance of the colors when they are just yarns. When I knit them, the balance changes. 長いマフラーを編み終えました。この秋色の毛糸いいでしょ?他にもこんなにあるんです。私のはこのページの一番下にある"Autumn Forest"。編んだものより毛糸の色を見てるほうが好き。毛糸の状態での色のバランスが好きなのに編んだらそのバランスがちょっとくずれちゃうからかなあ。

We got some good pears from farmer's market so made Roquefort cheese, walnut and pear Bruschetta. I toasted the blue cheese and walnuts on the bread and placed the pears after so they are warm and crispy and went well with sweet smooth pear. Yum! 週末のファーマーズマーケットでおいしい洋梨を買ったので、Roquefortチーズ(フランスのブルーチーズ)と胡桃と洋梨のブルシェッタを作りました。チーズと胡桃をパンの上に乗せてトーストしてから梨をのせたのであたたかくカリカリのパンと溶けたチーズ、それに冷たくて甘い梨がいいコンビネーションでした。

Main dish was orecchiette with spicy Italian pork sausage and broccoli. Simple, easy and very tasty.メインデッシュはオレキエッテパスタ+スパイシーソーセージとブロッコリー。生のソーセージの皮をはいで中身を出して料理しました。シンプルで簡単でおいしい一品でございます。
This is a lunch plate on the other day. Gyoza (I made the wrapper,too!), miso marinated salmon, pickled veggies, strawberries and brown rice. You can never tell this was leftover from previous day. :) ある日のランチプレート、餃子(皮も作ったのよ!)味噌漬けサーモン、お漬物、イチゴと玄米。夕べの残り物には見えないでしょ?ふふふ。

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another plaid clothes

Made another plaid dress. There is a belt attached to the waist and it is tied on the back.

I also made a skirt, too. The dress above, this skirt and a little purse from 2 yard fabric. I am sooo good. :)スカートまでできちゃいましたよ。上のワンピース、このスカートそして小さなバッグが1.8mの布から出来たなんてちょっとすごい。ふふふ。

Monday, November 10, 2008

I am back & Inga hat

I am home and enjoying warm weather in California. Yes I am wearing a T shirt not a coat. Well I like wearing a coat, scarf or knit cap though. The cap below is NY City marathon cap I got in the temporary shop in Central Park. They sold Tshirts and jackets, too but most of them said"Finisher!" or "I finished the race!". I didn't want to lie wearing those so I bought this cap simply saying"NYC Marathon 2008". I also got a Christmas ornament in a little shop near the park. NYから帰ってきてカリフォルニアの暖かいお天気を楽しんでいます。コートでなくTシャツを着ています。まあコートやスカーフや毛糸の帽子をかぶるのも好きなんですけど。この下のベースボールキャップはセントラルパークの特設店舗で買ったマラソンの記念の帽子。Tシャツやジャケットもあったけれど、「完走しました!」とか「完走者!」とか書いてあるのでそれを来ちゃうと嘘つきになる。私が買ったキャップにはシンプルに「NYC Marathon 2008」とあるだけ。クリスマスのオーナメントも公園の近くのお店で買いました。

I didn't finish (even didn't attend) the race but I finished this Inga hat with complicated pattern. Do you want to try too? Here is the pattern. When I knit this, I needed to keep staring at the pattern because I couldn't make any mistake on placing color otherwise the pattern wouldn't show right. Well, I did it! It was fun seeing the pattern appearing on the hat. I might knit another one with different color.
Inga Hatの方は完成しましたよ。編みたい方はこちらのパターンで。編んでいる時に色の配置を間違えないのように編み図と首っ引きで編まないといけない。一目でもまちがえると模様が違ってきます。大変でしたが、少しづつ模様が出てくるのを見るのは楽しかった。色違いでもうひとつ編もうかなあ。
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Monday, November 03, 2008

NY 4 :Central Park

We are staying 2 blocks from Central Park in NY this time so I had to run in the park. Living in California, I don't get many chances to jog in the Central Park, do I? According to the this runner's map, it is 6.03 miles if I jog on the outer park drive loop so it is not a lot. However there are a lot of small paths and side routes I hope I don't get lost there.

Big park in the big City...very urban looking. 大都会の大公園。都会的な景色だなあ。

New York City Marathon was held and finished here yesterday and I saw a lot of runners came back here to take pics for their memoir. It is a dream to attend this race for runners. Over 35,000 athletes attended this year...If they have a half marathon, it would be conceivable for me to attend but full marathon is so far away from me. When I ran on Friday (2 days before the race) one very skinny black guy ran passed me and some people told him, "Good luck on Sunday!" so I figured he is one of the elite runners. I think he was the guy on the top picture of this page. Of course he was so fast and it didn't take long till he had gone from my sight. かのニューヨークシティマラソンが昨日行われ、終点がこの公園だったのだけどランナー達が戻ってきて記念に写真を撮っていました。このレースに参加するのはランナーの夢ですね。何と3万5千人が参加したというからすごい。ハーフマラソンがあれば私も参加したいけどフルはちょっと遠い夢だなあ。レース二日前の金曜日にもここで走ったのだけどその時背が高くすごくやせた黒人ランナーが私を追い越していきました。何人かが「日曜日がんばってくださいね~。」なんて声をかけていたからきっと有名なランナーなんでしょう。このページの一番上の写真の人だった気がする。もちろん彼はとても速く、あっという間にいなくなってしまいました。Well, this collage picture looks like I was there for the race. Hee, hee, hee. I ran only twice in my stay but it was GREAT to run in the beautiful park. へへへ、この写真の組み合わせを見ると何だか私もレースに参加したみたいね。滞在中2度しか走れなかったけど、美しい公園内を走るのはとてもいい気持ちでした。

Beautiful Autumn colors in the park 美しい秋の色

Hey, Mr. Turkey. What are you doing here?
Ohhhh, you got lost! I understand this park is huge. Hope this map helps.

Before I (yeah "I "am only going home...) go home, we went to a Jewish deli close to Steven's office. I loved the Mozza ball soup. カリフォルニアに帰る前にStevenの会社の近くにあるユダヤ系デリでNY名物をいただきました。Mozza ballスープがおいしかった。

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

NY 3: Going to Mom's

We drove to Wilkes Barre to visit Mom and Frank. The leaves are colored and very beautiful and we even saw some snow on the street! お義母さんとFrankの住むWilkes Barreまで運転していきました。紅葉がとてもきれい。山が近く雪が残っていました。

Thanksgiving came earlier this year. Mom cooked us Thanksgiving dinner! Everything was very delicious. Thank you, Mom for cooking for 2 days for this. 11月末にある感謝祭が今年は早くやってきました。お義母さんが感謝祭のディナーを作ってくれたのです。2日間の大仕事だったみたい。Momに感謝!

The tress are gorgeous around her place.家の近くには美しい木がいっぱい。

Family picture in Wiles Barre Wilkes Barre版家族写真
After we stayed a night at mom's, drove back to NY and had a dinner at a Cuban restaurant. Pork dish (down middle) had good tangy flavor and it went well with black beans and rice.

939 8th Ave,
New York, NY‎
(212) 262-5354 ‎

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