Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zurich, Switzerland Day 4

I comletley recovered from the food posning and went to downtown Zurich by train. Beautiful train station! 食あたりもすっかりよくなりチューリッヒのダウンタウンへ繰り出した。電車で10分。素敵な駅。

I finally saw the famous railway clock at the station. Since my father brought me the railway watch from Switzerland more than 15 year ago, I had wanted to see the original clock.

It was linch time so I had Korean bibimbap (rice with egg and vegies). I know it is a little odd to eat this in Zurich but I was craving for Asian food.

The Korean restaurant was close from this street.

Zurich has a lake and rivers and it make the town special.

The biggest church in Zurich, Grossmünster which has stained glass made by Giacometti.
チューリッヒで一番大きい教会Grossmünster. ジャコメッティが作ったステンドグラスが素晴らしい(らしい)

Loved the colorful buildings....色とりどりの建物がきれい。

Found a little craft market and bought a wooden ring and scarf. クラフトマーケットを発見。木製のリングとスカーフを買いました。 The guy at the store I bought a scarf from showed me the way to the museum. Kunsthaus Zurich.The gates of hell by Rodin decorates powerfully the museum entrance.
They have a great collection of Monet, too. It was not crowded so I was able to take time as much as I want for my favorite artists. Cuno Amiet, Giacometti...great swiss artists were great, too. モネの作品も数あり、平日ですいていたことも手伝って人を気にせず好きなだけ見られました。Cuno Amiet, Giacomettiなどのスイスのアーティストもよかった。

Kunsthaus Museum
address:Winkelwiese 48001 Zürich, Switzerland
Phone:+41 44 253 84 84