Mosque shape building モスク型の建物も。
Had creamy shrimp pasta and Nicoise salad...it was a kind of French restaurant. Simple salad tasted very well in the hot day. お昼は海老のクリーミーなパスタとニース風サラダ。暑い日のシンプルなサラダは体にしみるようでおいしい!

Marrakech souk are very coloful. Donkeys are still used to carry stuffs.
マラケシュはとってもカラフル。物を運ぶのにまだロバが使われています。 "Oh, honey. It is tea time." Stopped at the cafe for a mint tea. The waiter pouring tea from the high position for airing tea. The tea was very good.
Djemaa El Fna Plaza was still empty because of Ramadan, it will be more stores and people by the sunset time. The righ-down picture shows a snake charmer. We had a great time in Marrakech. This town has full of color and energy.
Djemaa El Fna Plazaはラマダンのためかまだガランとしていたけれど、日没後にはお店や人々でにぎわうらしい。右下の写真は蛇使いのお兄さん達。マラケシュは本当にたのしかった。鮮やかな色とエネルギーにあふれた街でした。
We enjoyed the view from the train and say good by to Marrakech.

We are back to Casablanca and went to Petit Pochet for the third and last time. We had kefta tajine and chicken cous cous. We are going to miss Moroccan food...Steven had a local beer but the first bottle had no gas in the beer!!! How did the gas go out from the bottle? They cannot blame on Ramadan for this...The waiter exchange to the new one and that was good.
カサブランカに戻ってきた私達は3度目のそして最後のPetit Pochet にいき、肉団子のタジンとチキンクスクスをディナーにいただきました。右下のはStevenの飲んだ地元ビールですが、何と最初のは全然泡がなかったの。どうやって新しいボトルからガスが抜けるのかわからないけれど、まさかこれまでラマダンのせいにしないでね。取り替えてもらったボトルはOKでした。
"King and I." Moroccan king, Mohammed VI's picture is everywhere such as in hotels, restaurants, stores... I saw one in the airport, too.
OK. This is it in Morocco, we will leave for Zurich tomorrow morning.