We went to
Luzern by train. We had coffee, did some sudoku and enjoyed the view from the window. Luzernへ電車で行ってきました。コーヒーや数独の本を持ち込み用意万端!窓からの景色も楽しみました。
Beautiful farm land
Looks like a postcard. 絵葉書のようにきれい。

Cows! "thank you for the good cheese!!"

"Honey, we see more houses now. The town is close!!"
The first thing we saw was a covered bridge with a lot of flowers. Very beautiful!

Me:"Honey, what are you looking at?"

Steven:"Look at that!! It is very old
double wing plane!"

This town has a pretty river and it had a lot of water from the rain.

We of course checked the local farmer's market.
Ohhhh, look at the mushrooms...ああ、きのこ達がおいしそ~

and chestnuts....栗もいいなあ。

The town has many interesting buildings. 街には楽しい建物がたくさん。

Japanese people love guided tour and we saw some gruops here, too. I like to blend with them and take a picture. See, nobody can tell I don't belong to this group. We saw another one in France when we went there for honeymoon.
Here is the Nice version.
On the way to
Museggtürme, old walls....旧い城壁を見に行く途中。
We are climing up this tower! さてこのタワーに登りますよ!
Up and up and up! 上へ上へ!

And what we saw there were....そしてそこで見たものは?

Luzern. 美しいLuzernの街。

We are here now and continue going up. 今、ここにいます。もっと上へ登るよ!

Pretty views! 美しい景色!

There was a track right next to it. Since I became a runner, I needed to do this.
There were some cows, too. 牛もいたりして。
Ohhhh, cute baby cow and mom! 赤ちゃんとお母さん!かわいい。
Welcome to my house in Switzerland!
We had sausage and cheese fondue lunch at downtown. They were so tasty!!

The restaurant has huge cow bells. Excuse me, lady, don't touch the bell!! The sign (down right) was from a different restaurant but it is funny. It said "Since we have been at the same place for over 40 years, many guests (blah blah blah...) even in the 19century Richard Wagner was a regular customer." Wait a minute, have you been there for 40 years or 200 years??!!

We had more fun on this day, please look part2!