火曜日はとても天気がよくそれにCanada Dayという休日でした。カナダの独立記念日なので国旗や記念イベントがあちこちで見られました。私たちはCNタワーへ。1時間並んで待った後、行ったところは…
a restaurant on the top for lunch. We were very hungry and the view from there was great, too.
I was so hungry that I forgot take pictures of the food but I remember that food was very tasty.
The views from the restaurant...レストランからの景色。
The tower has glass floor and you can stand on there to see below...
Hey, Steven in floating in the air...タワーにはガラスの床があってそこから下の景色が見えます。
You can see down through the floor glass....I couldn't stay there long because it scared me....

After the tower, we walked to the water (this is a lake!) and enjoyed the rest of the Canada Day. タワーのあとは湖まで歩いていってお天気のいいカナダDayを楽しみました。
After the tower, we walked to the water (this is a lake!) and enjoyed the rest of the Canada Day. タワーのあとは湖まで歩いていってお天気のいいカナダDayを楽しみました。

Oh, I had a soft serve ice cream from Mr. Softy. I had wanted to do this for loooong time and I finally did it!! Mmmm delicious.