Sunday, October 30, 2011

Brett's Birthday

We went to Brett's birthday party. How did we go? Walked for twenty seconds. Yeah, another neighbor's party which we love. I made tapenade+quail eggs and avocado mimosa ones. They were pretty good. There were another appetizers and very colorful on the table.

We had a nice "adult" time with "adult" drinks this evening. Yeah, no kids running around.

After this glass, I was drunk and walked funny. I know I am a cheap date.

Mr. kids magnet was a dog whisperer today. Look at the dogs on his lap. "Feeeeel soooooo gooooood!!"

Chocolate cake for a birthday boy. He is a VERY nice person with a warm heart and we love him! Happy Birthday, Brett!!

....and this was our dinner tonight. Enough calories there?

There was a pretty crescent moon tonight. Hope everybody enjoyed it.

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