Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy birthday to Me

On my birthday, we went to a French restaurant, Left Bank. I am so glad it is now only 6 minutes drive from home! Steven ordered coq au vin and I did Today's special, Smoked salmon and wild mushrooms orecchiette. Both were very good. Forgot to take pic of appetizer or salad...or we didn't order....ohhhh this happens when you get old.... :) I also got Kara's cup cake for dessert, my favorite.
私のお誕生日のディナーはフランス料理のLeft Bankで。家から車で6分になったからうれしい!Stevenはcoq au vin (チキンのワイン煮)私は本日のスペシャル、スモークサーモンとワイルドマッシュルームのオレキエッテ。両方ともおいしゅうございました。前菜とサラダの写真を撮り忘れた。はて、注文しなかったんだっけ。年を取るってこういうことね。デザートはKaraのカップケーキ。私のお気に入り。
Left Bank
377 Santana RowSuite 1100
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 984-3500
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

New door, shades, and gardening

More updates for home development. We changed the entrance door! We didn't like the original black one. It looked OK from outside but it was awful from inside because it was solid black door without windows. It looked like a door they use to go to the stairs at apartments. Now this mahogany door has pretty window and brings more lights! VERY NICE! The pic below shows (from left) old door, new door from outside, new one from inside.

I also made Roman shades! When we got a quote from shade store near us and it was $1,850 for 4 windows. Kidding me, right? We are not asking replacing windows, just SHADES! So I found the site sells kit, You measure your windows and enter the size there and it will calculate the size of hardware, liners, cords and everything and if you order it, they will cut and prepared for the base. I just needed get the outside fabric at the fabric store and sewed. It was fun to make them, too. The kit was $50 per window and decorative fabric was $8 per window so the total cost was $232 instead of $1,850!
窓のカーテンも作ったの。これはローマンシェードというタイプです。家の近くのカーテン屋さんで見積もりをしてもらったら窓4つで20万円近くかかるという。冗談でしょ。窓を取り替えるんじゃないのよ。カーテンよ、カーテン!それでインターネットでシェードのキットを売るサイトを見つけました。 窓のサイズを測り、このサイトの計算システムに入力すると必要な材料の寸法を全て計算してくれます。注文すれば、ベースになる木材や、コード、内張りの布などサイズどおりにカットしてくれるので、外側の布を買って、後は縫うだけ。縫うのも楽しかったし、この注文したキットは窓ひとつにつき、5000円前後。外側の布は窓ごとに800円くらいしかかかってないので、4つの窓での合計は23,000円くらいです。20万円なんてとんでもないよねえ。

My artist aunt, Ajiko gave me this portrait of me. I posed for her drawing when I was in my late 20's. She used this when she had her big exhibition in Japan in May. The title of this piece is "Profile-M".

We planted some herbs in the whiskey barrel, tomatoes and eggplants in the plant boxes which Steven made. I am hugging my tomato plants because I am so happy that finally I can plant something! Made a mosaic steeping stone also to remember our foundation here at our home.

Also planted a Japanese maple tree and a Meyer lemon tree. The plant has already tiny lemons and cannot wait to see them turning yellow (and big).

We got a grill and using it everyday. Sanma fish (saury) was great! Could have been stinky for the neighbors but they were so tasty. BBQグリルも買って毎日のように使っています。さんま焼いた時はおいしかったなあ。ご近所には臭くて迷惑だったかもしれないけど、たまらない旨さ!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Japan trip 5

We stayed at Grandma's house since Mom's house is crowded with my sisters and my brother's family. I feel sad that Grandma is not at her house anymore but I found old pictures there.

My grandma, she maybe around 20 years old.

Grandma and grandpa. They look very happy together.

Mom and Aunt Ajiko. Looks like they are skipping.

Mom is cleaning my ears. "Feels gooooooood!"

Mom&Dad's wedding
Mom & Dad. Ohhh so 60's.

Pictures take me to the time travel and it is fun to imagine how they were at that time.

We went to DMV to renew my Japanese driver's license, went to Eal restaurant, had more mom's cooking and enjoyed the rest of our stay in Japan.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Japan trip 4

We all woke up very early and were hungry but don't worry. Yesterday Akiko checked one small restaurant in the fish market and they said to her that they open at 5am for breakfast. So all we went there but it was CLOSED! One of the fishermen in the market said "Ah, they must be hungover this morning. It happens a lot to them." and laughed. We all dropped our jaws and only we could do was looking at the fishes in the market which we cannot eat.
みんな早起きしてお腹がすいてきました。でも大丈夫。昨日あこちゃんが魚市場の中の小さな食堂のおばさんと話して5時から朝食ができることを確認済みだから。Let's go! といってみたらお店が閉まっている。近くにいた漁師さんが、「あ~、今日は二日酔いで休みじゃろうなあ。よくあるんよ、ここ。」と笑う。ええええええ~っ!開いた口がふさがらないとはこのことね。魚市場の魚達を眺めていても、食べられないし。

When we were standing there with long faces, one fisherman said he could take us out to the sea! Wow! We got so exited and jumped on his fishing boat. そこに立ち尽くしていた私達に漁師さんが海に連れていってくれるって!イエーイ、私達は喜びいさんで漁船に乗り込みました。

He even let us steer the boat. Look at the center picture. Gen ya is steering the boat (The man in red is the kind fisherman.) Steven and I did, too. His boat is operated by three button and it was so fun to steer the boat! 漁師さんは私達に船の操縦までさせてくれたの。真ん中の写真では弦也まで操縦してるでしょ。(赤いシャツのおじちゃんがやさしい漁師さんです。)Stevenと私もトライ。このボートは3つのダイヤルがついたボタンで操縦するので簡単ですごく楽しい!

What a fun! Thank you, Mr. fisherman! We had a great experience. (Steven is still holding the controller.) あ~楽しかった。漁師のおじさんありがとう!なかなかできない経験でした。(あ、Stevenはまだコントローラーを握っています。)
After the excursion, we had breakfast at the port. Steven and I had Udon noodle. Mine has fish and sesame paste and it was soooooo good. その後は港の食堂で朝ごはん!Stevenと私はおうどんを。私のはごまだしといって、魚とゴマのペーストがのっていてそりゃーもうおいしかったです。
After that, we walked around the town. The old walls are still remaining and make the street very special. Sota is already running after he was energized from morning noodle. そして街の探索へ繰り出します。古い武家屋敷の壁などがあって素敵な歩道になっています。奏太はあさごはんのうどんで充電できているのでさっそく駆け出します。
Paused for the pic with the wall. 壁と一緒にポーズ。
Mikako was energized from her morning noodle too and climbed the old castle wall. Gen ya copied me after he saw it. 45 year old aunt and 5 year old nephew...nice shots....right? :) 美加子もあさごはんのゴマだしうどんで充電済み。城壁を登ります。弦也がそんな私を見て真似っこ。45歳の伯母と5歳の甥のナイスショット…か?!
There was a Kappa boy statue and water came out from his head when we touched his palm. Can you see the sprinkle in the center picture? The kids loved this and didn't leave there for a long time. 途中に河童の子供の像があり、手に触ると頭から水が出るので子供達は大喜び。真ん中の大きい写真で頭からちょろちょろ出ているのがわかるかしら?彼らはここを離れずに大変でした。
We also stopped at a tea house and had macha tea. They have a nice garden and we all enjoyed the building and the trees. お茶室があり抹茶をいただくために一休み。すばらしいお庭と瀟洒な建物。

Ryoko and Gen ya found plums. 涼ポンと弦也は梅の実を見つけました。
Macha tea was served with a little sweet which was very tasty mochi cake with a little salty bean paste. 抹茶が点てられ、塩まんじゅうといただきました。お塩がきいたこしあんをおいしくいただきました。
One shot in the tea ceremony room. Takefumi and Sota already left for more excursion. The boys never sit still...お茶室でのワンショット。岳史と奏太はすでに次の探索へと外へ出てしまいました。男の子はじっとしてないから…。
Steven is watching Sota now. Looks like there is a conflict about the directions :) Stevenが奏太を見る番。何だか行き先に同意が見られない様子。:)

This street had a lot to see. A little museum which we didn't go, small shops, Noh mask maker, old castle remains. We had a lot of fun in Saeki town. この歩道は見るものがたくさんありました。国木田独歩記念館(行かなかったけど)、小さなお店、能面工房、城址。佐伯の町を満喫しました。
We left Saeki and stopped at Usuki town to see stone Buddhas which are National treasures. There are 60 Buddhas and they are 1200 - 1400 years old. 佐伯をあとにして臼杵にも行きました。国宝の石仏を見ておかなくてはね。全部で60体ほどの石仏があり1200~1400年の古さだと言われています。

Mom and the main Buddha. They look a like....a little bit. :) It is good thing, Mom!! Great thing.

Mom is lighting insense and praying for world peace...Nooooo, she is not in a beauty pageant so must be something else. ママはお香をたいてお参りしています。世界平和を祈って…。いやいや、Miss Internationalのコンテンストじゃないんだから、それはないでしょ。

There were seven places to see groups of Stone Buddha and beautiful flowers. 7ケ所に仏像郡があり、お花も楽しめて落ち着きますねえ。
At this point, we were pretty tired because of getting up early, boat excursion and a lot of walking...OK, time to go home.
While we were on the boat in the morning, Mom and Ryoko bought seafood and shipped them home! The oyster was HUGE, big as a palm. 私達が漁船に乗っている間、ママと涼ポンは魚市場でシーフードを送る手配をしていたので、帰ってから新鮮な夕食が!牡蠣なんて手のひらほどありました。

What a fun trip! It was great way to celebrate Mom's birthday. I think she really loved it. Hope we can do more trips like this together. Takefumi's family and Ryoko need to leave Beppu tomorrow but Steven and I have a few more days so we are going to have more fun. とても楽しい一泊旅行でママのお誕生日を祝えました。ママもすごく楽しかったみたいでよかった。もっとこんな旅行ができるといいなあ。岳史家族と涼ポンは別府を発たないといけないのだけど、Stevenと私はもうちょっと残って楽しい事します。

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Japan trip 3

One other reason we got together was to celebrate Mom's 70th birthday. It is called "Koki" in Japanese and 70th is a special one for Japanese. We decided to go on a trip for this and nine of us went to a little fishing town called Saeki. As soon As we go there, boys wanted to do fishing so we let them do it with their father and we went shopping in a fish market.

We had a birthday dinner at the hotel we stayed. We gave Mom a little book which has everybody's message. I told them to draw or write a message for her before hand I corrected them the night before. She really liked this present and she kept reading it after the dinner and the trip. その夜はホテルでお誕生会のディナー。ママへのプレゼントはみんなのメッセージが詰まった小さな本。事前にみんなに1ページづつ絵を書くか、メッセージを書くようにお願いしておいて前夜にひとつにしました。ママはこのプレゼントがとても気に入ったみたいで夕食後も旅行の後も繰り返し見ていました。よかった。
The dinner was great. We had fresh seafood and meat. Below is food for one person. Looks like a lot but wait, there were two more dishes I forgot to take pictures of.

Once they finished there dinner, the boy started running around again. This time they wanted to show us standing on their heads.
Family photo time. Say cheese! 家族写真。チーズ!
After the dinner, we went to see lighting bugs and it was amazing because hundreds of them made their lights in turn in sections and I felt like I was looking at programed light show or visual orchestra.

OK. We are going to do have fun tomorrow, too. Go to bed, kids! さあ、明日も楽しいこと満載。子供は寝た寝た!

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