
We are having warm weather this week. It is 70 degrees in mid of January! I am in Tshirt & shorts but I found good choucroute recipe in my favorite blog so nedded to cook it. Stewed a lot of sauerkraut+onion in white wine with some spices and added sausage, bacon and potatoes.
Looks like German food but it is French food, a traditional dish of Alsace. I wanted to add more pork meat like pork trotters but Steven is not a big fan of those so I omitted it. Still smoky and hearty dish. It was great even in a hot day. こうして見るとドイツ料理のように見えるけどレシピは伝統的なアルザス料理ということで、フレンチ。本当は豚足など入れたかったのですが、Stevenがそういうのあまり好きじゃないので今回は抜き。でもスモーキーで食べ応えもあり暖かすぎる夜でさえおいしくいただきました。