Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stencil and Cassoulet

I did stencil on Tshirts using freezer paper. What a fun it was! First I outlined the plant I liked in a photograph and traced it on the freezer paper. Then cut the shape out and ironed it on the Tshirt. Colored with stencil paint, dried it and peeled off the paper and done!

I saved the cut out paper and made reversed paint (the object is not painted) on another T shirt. The one on the left is drying after I put green paint and the right is finished one. Hmmm...It is a little messy on the edges. 切り取った紙をとっておいて塗りが逆の(花部分が白抜き)をもうひとつ作りました。左側がペイントした後、乾かしているところ。右側ができあがり。うーん、やっぱり外側の塗りの部分がきれいじゃないな。

The cold weather came back so made a French stew dish, Cassoulet from this recipe which takes ONLY 3 hours to cook. Well, the original recipe takes 2 days so this is easier version. Basically, white bean+bread crumbs infused by sausages, bacon and duck legs. I used wild boa sausages which we bought from a French vendor from Farmer's market and turkey legs.
After 3 hours of cutting, browning, stewing and baking.....Voila! Oh my gosh, it was wonderful. The picture is not so great but the beans and bread crumbs sucked up the juices and great flavor from the meat and it was unbelievably good. The bread crumbs on the top is brown and crispy and the turkey meat just fell apart from the bone. Tres bien!!

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