49ers couldn't make it so I was not so keen on this but superbowl IS superbowl. I made it more interesting by making game snack. Since the game was for NY vs New England, I made New England Clam Chowder with FRESHclam in SHELL. I even put it in the bread bowl but I am not sure it was New England way to serve. Do you ask how it was? Excellent! The fresh clam made great rich soup.
サンフランシスコ49ersがSuperbowlに出られるひとつ前でめげたので、もうどうでもよかったんですが、やはりSuperbowlはSuperbowl。観戦スナックでも作ってもりあげましょう。今年はNYとNew Englandだったので、まずはNew Englandクラムチャウダーを新鮮な殻つき貝で作りました。それもパンをくりぬいてそれに入れたんですよ。でもこれってNew England式かは不明。お味はどうか?そりゃあ、素晴らしいに決まってます。新鮮な貝でおいしいおだしが出るもの。
For the NY side, I made pastrami santwich. I know, I know NY deli would use a huge pile of pastrami but we had some other food, too. Hey, honey, you are wearing Philadelphia Eagles shirt and they are not in it! He said I am a wagon hopper on any sports (What's a point cheering weak teams, right?) and he is not. He is royal to his hometown team. OK. That is fair. Who won the superbowl? I think NY did. After 49ers was gone, I am not really paying any attention.