Since we enjoyed the visits in France in 2005 and 2007. I sometimes make French food and here is something goes well with white wine,
Brandade. I didn't have salted cod so started with making one.
Bobby Flay's recipe says the cod should be sit in salt for 2 days but I did for 4 days by mistake so it was a little salty. I liked my
Brandade baked so put it in the oven for 15 minutes. The cod and mashed potato were creamy and smooth!
Bobby Flayのレシピでは2日間塩漬けにということでしたが、間違って4日も漬けていたのでちょっと塩辛かったけどクリーミーでおいしかった!

Grilled Halibut, sauteed carrot and mushroom risotto. Yeah, we like fish. We are lucky because we can get very
fresh sea food at farmer's market every Saturday.
The next day I made risotto cake with the left over risotto. I put some cheese in it so when I cut it the melted cheese came out from it.
Mmmmm. 次の日、残ったリゾットをおにぎりみたいにして焼いて見た。チーズを中に入れたので切った時に中からトロリと溶けたチーズが…。ああ、おいしかった。
Steven cooked cod chowder. This is healthy version so didn't have any heavy milk. Great for a cold nights. Yum! Thank you, honey!
This is also Steven's work, Dried
Porcini mushroom crusted halibut.
Ohhhhhh, it was tasty. The dried
Porcini is in the sauce too so I was able to enjoy the aroma and taste twice. The fish was done just right! My complements to the Chef Steven!!