Paris 1-Steven's office and Seine River
Gipsy couple, Steven & Mikako are in Paris. Steven's office is not far from here. What a commute! Walking on Champs Elysée avenue for 3 weeks.

We can see the Arc de Triomphe from the office. ほら、オフィスから凱旋門が見える!

We had a first lunch in Paris at the brasserie next to Steven's office. My fish with cream sause was very tasty. パリで最初のランチはそんなStevenのオフィスの隣にあるブラッスリーで。私のクリームソースのかかった白身魚は絶品でした。
Le DeauvilleAvenue Champs Elysées
75008 Paris, France
01 42 25 08 64

Steven at the cheese shop. "Ohhhh Iwant to try everything here......" チーズショップの前でチーズ好きなStevenが”あ~全部食べてみたい!”

Winter in Paris is not so picturisque but it is still pretty. By the Seine river. 冬のパリは写真写りがよくないけどそれでもきれいです。セーヌ川で。

Oh my gosh this house is falling down!!! Old medieval era's house. Usual goofy picture of mine. え~、この家古すぎて傾いてるよ!…とお決まりの私のふざげた写真。

I always love the local markets...Lots of tasty food...wish we had a kitchen at our hotel.... :( 朝市はどこの国も楽しい。パリの特に。あ~ホテルにキッチンがついていれば!

The Tapas place which my new friend told me. The place was small but all the 8 dishes (note: this is a Tapas place so each plate is tiny...well not so big, I would say...) were all delicious. Of course we had Spanish wine with them. 最近できたお友達から教えてもらったタパスのお店。小さいお店ですが、注文した8皿(注:タパスなので各料理が小皿なのです。いや、大きくないというか。)がすべておいしい。もちろんスペインワインでいただきました。
Le Seiz'Maine
16, Rue Maine, 75014 Paris, France
01 43 35 46 24