Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post Christmas days

After Christmas day, we drove to Steven's father's house. We always enjoy breakfast at Country Deli near his house. This is a heavy metal toy they have on the counter. The man suuposed to hold a ring for the dog to jump in but this is antique and it has been long gone. You put a coin in the dog mouth then he jump through the ring and drop the coin in the barrel. Wish I could see it.
クリスマスの後はお義父さんのところまで2時間の運転をして行きました。彼の家の近くにあるCountry Deliでいただく朝食は私達のお気に入り。今回もいってきましたよ。この写真は重い鉄製のおもちゃ。この人は本当は輪っかを持っているはずなのだけど、アンティークらしくそれはずっと昔になくなっています。わんこの口に硬貨をおくと、彼はジャンプして輪っかをくぐり樽に硬貨を入れる。という仕組み。見たかったな。

The place has a lot of Christmas decoration. The santas butts are all cookie jars. Cute? We had good pancake brunch and had good time with Dad.
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