Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cooking & Gardening

We got Prosciutto de Palma at Wholefoods Market. I thought it wouldn't be a big difference from other Prosciutto we usually get but I was WROOOOONG! This prosciutto has gentle saltiness and it melts on your tongue! It is definitely worth paying $28/pound. We had it with figs, pears and walnuts.

I forgot when I made this but this pork with Marsala and mushroom was very good. I tweaked the Malio Batali's this recipe. The grilled veggies are marinated in balsamic vinegar. これはいつ作ったか忘れたけどマサラ酒とマッシュルームのポーク。Malio Bataliのこのレシピを参考にして作ってみたけどおいしかった。グリル野菜はバルサミコで。

Now our garden is still doing well in the end of Summer. Kabocha, Japanese pumpkins are about the size of baseball right now. Hope they keep growing.  夏も終わりに近づいていますが、野菜達は元気に育っています。かぼちゃは軟式野球のボールくらいに大きいよ。もっと大きくなってね。

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