Saturday, April 24, 2010

Betel Leaf

When I saw this at an Asian Market, I was SO excited because I had been looking for this since l came back from Thailand. The appetizer we had in Baan Khanitha was so sensational and wanted to have it again at home. アジア系マーケットでこれを見つけた時、叫びたいくらいにうれしかった。だって去年タイ旅行から帰ってきてからずっと探していたんだもの。Baan Khanitha でいただいたあのアペタイザーがあまりにもセンセーショナルで又、食べたかった。
See, looks good, doesn't it? Just like the ones at restaurant in Bangkok except lacking of shredded coconut. I had lemon peels, ginger, red onion, dry shrimp, nuts and sauce. OK, let's eat!
I put all the ingredients on the leaf and rolled it and popped in my mouth and chewed. Chewed, chewed...それぞれの材料をすこしづつ葉っぱに乗せて、丸めて口に放り込んで、噛む。噛んで噛んで…。
something different....んー、何か違う。
Grrrrrr, ahhhh!!!! げ、ぐわあ。
I got stung in my mouth! I ran to the sink and rinsed my mouth. Wow! That was strong. My mouth and tongue got numb for a few minutes like I just came home from a dentist. Gosh, good that I didn't swallow any of this. It WAS sensational....口の中が刺されたような衝撃が走ります。やばい。流しに走って行って口をすすぎました。ひやあ、すごかったなあ。舌と口の中が痺れていて、歯医者さんから帰って来た感じ。2,3分後にはおさまったけど、飲み込まなくてよかったあ。別の意味でセンセーショナルだった。
Result:Those leaves are not the same as Thai leaves. Even they share the same name (How could I tell??!!!) the one I got was from a Vietnamese market. Steven was smart enough not to eat before he saw my reaction. Yeah, I was the only victim. Steven said, " Ah, these the ones Vietnamese people use like a chewing Tabasco." Thanks, Steven. You could have shared the info before I ate the filthy stuff. Next day, we got spinach for the substitution of the leaves and it was very tasty. 
This is also the dish I said, "I will do this at home!" at a restaurant. We loved the pasta dish at La Pastia because the truffle oil in this dish was exquisite. We bought a bottle of truffle oil at Olive Bar at Campbell. We had fava beans, shitake mushrooms rigatoni, Parmesan cheese and truffle oil. Thi recreation was great. The oil is great! We poured some on our scramble egg on weekend breakfast and it was so good. The aroma of the oil was so rich and treat.
これもレストランで「あー、これ家でも作りたい!」と言ったお料理。La Pastiaでいただいたパスタがトリュフオイルの香りがとても印象的だったので。CampbellのOlive Barでトリュフオイルを買い、そら豆、しいたけ、パルメザンチーズとリガトーニに少し注いでいただきました。こちらの再現料理は大成功。オイルのトリュフの香りが素晴らしい。週末の朝食でスクランブルエッグにたらしていただきましたが、おいしかったぁ。

This is my lunch at a hot day. Korean cold noodle vegetarian version.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day, Sharks and Neutron

Today is Earth day. We planted a tree in our back yard. This tree is a grafted fruit tree and we will get two kinds of peaches and plum from this tree. I still cannot believe that one tree can have different types of fruits till I see it in my yard. アースデイだからという訳ではありませんが、木を植えました。この木は3種類のフルーツがかけ合わせれていて、2種類の桃とプラムがなるんですって!そんなの自分の目で見るまで信じられない。この夏が楽しみです。

Made a little dessert and went to Cory's place to...
ちょっとしたデザートを作ってCoryの家に行ったのですが… Neutron, 6 week old puppy!! Oh, he IS SOOO CUUUTEEE! I wanted to take him home.

That's right. We have something evil at home already...

We watched Sharks game on TV and we won!!! One more game to go to the next level of playoff. Go Sharks!!
CoryのところでSan Joseのアイスホッケーチーム、シャークスの試合をTVで見ました。今年は成績がよく、あと一試合勝てば、プレイオフの次のレベルへ進めます。がんばれシャークス!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Steven and I are notoriously plant killers and we are trying to change that. We planted some flowers and veggies (eggplants, green peppers, tomatoes, green beans, and Cilantro)in the plant boxes. We are carefully watching and watering them every day and so far so good.

After the gardening, we grilled skirt steak & veggies on BBQ grill for the first time this year. Yeah, grilling season has come! 園芸のあとはお肉とお野菜のグリル。今年初めてのBBQをしました。今年もそういう季節がやって来ました!
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mussels and clams for lunch

Had Mussels and Clams for lunch. I steamed them with some garlic, white wine, green onions and a little bit of butter. Leftover wine was also served at the table. It is OK to drink wine day time for weekend, isn't it? The shellfish was so juicy and tasty.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Running with Sumiko in SF

It was a gorgeous day in San Francisco. Sumiko san and I ran 6 miles along with SF Bay close to the Golden Gate Bridge. Sumiko san shows me the courses of the races held around here. I knew SF is a hilly town but I felt that during the run. The Golden Gate Bridge was so beautiful and impressive every time I see it. I want to across the bridge someday.


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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Warm dish at a cold night

Rainy and cold night...I wanted to make something warm so made gratin pasta with some mushrooms. Sauces are tomato and Bechamel sauce. Good to have nice and rich flavor dish once in a while. 冷たい雨の降る夜は何か体が温まるものを作りたかったのでパスタグラタンを作りました。トマトソース、ベシャメルソースの2種とマッシュルームで。たまにはこういう濃いお料理もいいですね。
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Friday, April 09, 2010

Tank dress

Made a tank dress from the book I purchased in Japan. Cannot see well in this pic bur has frilled hem attached to the body. This book has a lot of cute & easy dresses and tunics so I will keep sewing for a while. :) 日本で買った本のパターンでキャミワンピースを作りました。写真ではよく見えないけれど、切り替えがあってフリルの裾になっています。この本はかわいくて簡単なドレスやチュニックがたくさんのっているのでしばらくはソーイングが続きそうです。

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Zuni Cafe Chicken Dinner

We had dinner with Sumiko and Bruce and made Zuni Cafe Chicken. Well, the chicken at Zuni Cafe is not brined but I liked brined chicken because it makes chicken juicy so I brined a chicken with Chez panisse's recipe and served Zuni cafe bread salad. (Oh my, sounds so fancy but is still roast chicken.) The house smelled great when the chicken was roasting in the oven.
すみ子さんとブルースを夕食にお招きして、Zuni cafeのレシピでローストチキンを焼きました。あ、でもZuniのはチキンをブライン(塩+スパイスを溶かした水に24時間漬ける)してないので正確にはChez PanisseのレシピでブラインしたチキンをZuniの付け合せのサラダで出したということになります。(ひゃあ、何だかずい分大変なものに聞こえますが、結局はローストチキンよ。)

We had great time and the chicken was goooood, too. Other dishes were wild rice+onion, stewed beans+chard and vinegar marinated cauliflower+shrimp+tomato. とても楽しい夕食になりました。チキンもおいしかったです。その他はワイルドライス、チャードと豆の煮物、カリフラワーと海老、そしてトマトの酢の物みたいなの。

Wish it was a weekend so that they can stay later....週末だったらもっと遅くまでいてもらえたのですが、まだ週の真ん中なので。

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

When we woke up in the morning, we found Eater bunny visited us already. We have friendly neighbors and don't know who did this but Thank you! 朝起きたら、イースターバニーが来ていました。前庭にキャンディー入りのイースターエッグが。全くここのご近所さんはお茶目。誰か知らないけどありがとう。

I wanted to make something different for Easter brunch so made pecan monkey bread, salmon souffle and usual cafe latte. Baking is not easy. The bread balls were a bit dense than I wanted.


Steven made a cafe door for me! We used to have an ugly baby gate to prevent from cat visiting the kitchen. Now we have a swing door and don't have to move the gate to get through or don't have to listen to the noise that the gate falls down on the floor. I cannot believe how cute it looks and convenient it is!
