When I saw this at an Asian Market, I was SO excited because I had been looking for this since l came back from Thailand. The appetizer we had in
Baan Khanitha was so sensational and wanted to have it again at home. アジア系マーケットでこれを見つけた時、叫びたいくらいにうれしかった。だって去年タイ旅行から帰ってきてからずっと探していたんだもの。
Baan Khanitha でいただいたあのアペタイザーがあまりにもセンセーショナルで又、食べたかった。

See, looks good, doesn't it? Just like the ones at restaurant in Bangkok except lacking of shredded coconut. I had lemon peels, ginger, red onion, dry shrimp, nuts and sauce. OK, let's eat!
I put all the ingredients on the leaf and rolled it and popped in my mouth and chewed. Chewed, chewed...それぞれの材料をすこしづつ葉っぱに乗せて、丸めて口に放り込んで、噛む。噛んで噛んで…。
something different....んー、何か違う。
Grrrrrr, ahhhh!!!! げ、ぐわあ。
I got stung in my mouth! I ran to the sink and rinsed my mouth. Wow! That was strong. My mouth and tongue got numb for a few minutes like I just came home from a dentist. Gosh, good that I didn't swallow any of this. It WAS sensational....口の中が刺されたような衝撃が走ります。やばい。流しに走って行って口をすすぎました。ひやあ、すごかったなあ。舌と口の中が痺れていて、歯医者さんから帰って来た感じ。2,3分後にはおさまったけど、飲み込まなくてよかったあ。別の意味でセンセーショナルだった。
Result:Those leaves are not the same as Thai leaves. Even they share the same name (How could I tell??!!!) the one I got was from a Vietnamese market. Steven was smart enough not to eat before he saw my reaction. Yeah, I was the only victim. Steven said, " Ah, these the ones Vietnamese people use like a chewing Tabasco." Thanks, Steven. You could have shared the info before I ate the filthy stuff. Next day, we got spinach for the substitution of the leaves and it was very tasty.
This is also the dish I said, "I will do this at home!" at a restaurant. We loved the pasta dish at
La Pastia because the truffle oil in this dish was exquisite. We bought a bottle of truffle oil at
Olive Bar at Campbell. We had fava beans, shitake mushrooms rigatoni, Parmesan cheese and truffle oil. Thi recreation was great. The oil is great! We poured some on our scramble egg on weekend breakfast and it was so good. The aroma of the oil was so rich and treat.
La Pastiaでいただいたパスタがトリュフオイルの香りがとても印象的だったので。Campbellの
Olive Barでトリュフオイルを買い、そら豆、しいたけ、パルメザンチーズとリガトーニに少し注いでいただきました。こちらの再現料理は大成功。オイルのトリュフの香りが素晴らしい。週末の朝食でスクランブルエッグにたらしていただきましたが、おいしかったぁ。
This is my lunch at a hot day. Korean cold noodle vegetarian version.