Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father's Memorial Day

Father's day is right around the corner but today was my father's day because it was my father's memorial day. They make small sized meals and give it to people who has passed away on their memorial days in Japan. Since I couldn't be there this year, I made some like my mom always does.

Look at these cute plates!! かわいくできたでしょう。

I made...
Stewed Hijiki(kind of sea weed)+green, red and yellow pepper. 3色パプリカとひじきの煮物
Stewed Bakchoy, carrot, bean curd and potato 青梗菜、人参、あげとジャガイモの煮物
Vinegrated cucumber and seaweed きゅうりとめかぶの酢の物
Steamed rice ごはん
Green beans Miso soup さやいんげんの味噌汁
Broccoli+sesame ごまブロッコリー

The same menu in big size of this is going to be our dinner today! この同じメニューが当然今夜のお献立!

I cannot celebrate Father's day for my father anymore but guess what? I have now two fathers to celebrate since I married to Steven. Lucky me! (I also sent something to them today and hoping they will be there on time!! Go go, US Post Service!!

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