Sunday, June 29, 2008

Toronto2-Niagara Falls

Since we are in Canada, we cannot miss The Niagara Falls! First we had lunch at a very cute town called Niagara-on-the-lake. せっかくカナダに来たのだからナイアガラの滝を見なきゃね。その前にNiagara-on-the-lakeというかわいい町でランチ。

At the restaurant...

So...we had these… そういうわけでこちらをいただきました。

My mom has come to this town and she really liked it and I can see why. They have lot of flowers, cute restaurants, shops and historical buildings which give you a warm and nice atmosphere. ママが昔カナダに来たときこの町がすごく気に入っていたけれどわかります。きれいなお花や素敵なレストランやショップ、歴史の深い建物などとてもいい感じ。

After some tourist's shots....観光客用写真を撮った後…


Nature amazes us with real "Wow"s. We just looked at without words. It is the same feelings when I saw El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. 自然の「すごい」は本当にすごい。言葉もなくただ見てしまう。ヨセミテ公園のEl Capitanを見たときと同じ感覚。

Friday, June 27, 2008


We are in Toronto now. The town is pretty with the cute brick buildings and a lot of flowers. People are laid back, a lot of events and entertaiments are going on....NICE!!

The ROM Museum across from our hotel was a great looking building. ホテルの向かいにあるROM美術館は建物が素敵。
...and the building was the best part of this museum. Kids may love those dino's exhibition thogh. でもその素敵な建物がこの美術館の目玉ですね。子供達は恐竜の骨とか楽しいかもだけど。
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Cheese cake

Made a cheese cake. I am not good at baking and Steven has been suffered from eating oh-no-uncooked-chiffon-cake, inedible-too-hard-cookies and so on. (I don't post these failures to my blog so only Steven knows how bad I am.) However, this time it went OK.
I put some brandy soaked dry cherries so has some brandy and tart flavor. Yum!

After the high calorie snack, dinner should be light....Well, we like grilled vegies. The Japanese leek is from a Japanese farmer at Sunnyvale Farmer's Market. Sweeeeet!
そんな高カロリーなおやつの日の夕飯はグリル野菜。真ん中のおねぎはSunnyvaleのFarmer's Marketに出ている日本人の農家から買ったもの。甘くておいしかった。

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hawaiian Quilt

I am doing Hawaiian quilting now. This is hibiscus pattern.

The whole pattern is like this.

I actually started it 6 years ago using this book with help of Jean, my host mother in Santa Cruz and made 5 panels at that time. Now I have 6 panels but haven't decided what to make with them. Bed cover? Wall hanging? Pillows?

Well, I just keep making them and decide later...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father's Memorial Day

Father's day is right around the corner but today was my father's day because it was my father's memorial day. They make small sized meals and give it to people who has passed away on their memorial days in Japan. Since I couldn't be there this year, I made some like my mom always does.

Look at these cute plates!! かわいくできたでしょう。

I made...
Stewed Hijiki(kind of sea weed)+green, red and yellow pepper. 3色パプリカとひじきの煮物
Stewed Bakchoy, carrot, bean curd and potato 青梗菜、人参、あげとジャガイモの煮物
Vinegrated cucumber and seaweed きゅうりとめかぶの酢の物
Steamed rice ごはん
Green beans Miso soup さやいんげんの味噌汁
Broccoli+sesame ごまブロッコリー

The same menu in big size of this is going to be our dinner today! この同じメニューが当然今夜のお献立!

I cannot celebrate Father's day for my father anymore but guess what? I have now two fathers to celebrate since I married to Steven. Lucky me! (I also sent something to them today and hoping they will be there on time!! Go go, US Post Service!!

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Sunday, June 01, 2008


The weather has been nice so let's go to camping!

It was second time for us to come. This place is easy to get to and has beautiful redwoods.
This is our site. Steven has already made a fire and built a tent.

We walked in the redwoods, cooked, played scrabble, played Tracball, and read books.
It was so relaxed and fun but we had back soar from sleeping on the hard ground for 2 nights.

Steven is cooking breakfast. The menu was blueberry panckae and potato+onion+corn saute.
The pancake cooked on the campfire was very tasty. The outside was very crispy and soft inside.

The kids in the neighbor sites were crying and screaming all day long. I almost stuck them in my sleeping bag.