Dad now lives in an assist living so he cannot bake pound cake any more. He used to bake this a lot and this brught a lot of memories (sweet and bitter like their dog ate the whole cake.) into Steven's family. I ate once and it was great so I got his recipe. The pic below is when I had it.
Steven is going to Philadelphia to see Dad so I decided to bake a Pound cake with HIS recipe.
I thought it was a good idea to bring it to him so both he and Steven can enjoy it.
Steven がお義父さんに会いにPhiladelphiaに行くのでお義父さんのレシピでパウンドケーキを焼くことに。お義父さんもStevenも楽しめるのだからいい考えではないですか?

I wrapped with blue paper and packed in a hard box so that Steven won't crash or EAT accidently. :)
Steven called me and said "Dad said it was A plus!" Good job, me.
電話でStevenが言った。「Aプラスだってよ!」 でかした、私。:)