On the way back home, we stopped at Narita for transit and we found a massacre scene! No, they are just taking nap.

Ryoko :"This ramen is soooooo good. You need to try it."
Market has a lot of interesting stuff. These are famous dried fish.
We bought a lot of stuff and these two got high points. 1. Meat dumpling bigger than her face. 2. The vivid red coat for Mom. いろいろ買ったものの内、二つを紹介。1.顔より大きい肉まん。2.ママの真っ赤なコート。
The red coat stands out at the hotel lobby, too :)
Mom and Steven waiting for Ryoko and me to finish shopping....
ママとStevenが涼子と私の買い物をすむのを待っているところ…Went to a Samgetang restaurant for dinner. Samgetang is a whole chicken stew with Korean herb and Jinseng. So tasty!! Had Chijimi which is green onion pancake. Yummy!夕食はサムゲタン専門店へ。鶏が丸ごと朝鮮人参やハーブで煮込んであってとってもおいしい!ねぎ焼きのようなチジミと一緒にいただきました。