The second day in Kyoto. We saw our friend who lives in Osaka. She used to live in SF and had fun in the City together. We went to Arashi yama.

Looks like we are sitting on the engawa (porch) in a regular house in this picture but this is Tenryu-ji (temple)built in 1339.

Arashi yama was a bit cold and we need some hot drink...Oh, Look there is
Amazake (sweet hot rice drink) !!! I am holding the sign like a promoter.."Got Amazake?" but I hate the drink...It is too sweet for me. Instead I had some rice crackers. :):)

There was a bamboo garden close to Tenryu-ji. We like bamboos because they are soothing and feel very fresh when we stand in the bamboo bushes. My hometown, Beppu is famous for
bamboo art craft.