Mochi tsuki...this is the thing Steven wanted to do for a long time. He kept asking me where he can see/do for years. Mochi tsuki, pounding mochi is a traditional year-end event in Japan. BUT it is hard to find where to see/do because not a lot of people do this in a traditional way. People use
mochi maker instead now a days. But I found the place...

Asami Shirine!! This shrine is our family shrine. I first visited here when I was 30 days old (Yes, you read it right 30 "DAYS" old in my grand-ma's arms.) We visit here once a year on New Year's day.

First we got Sake as an offering for the shrine. We didn't forget to put our name on the wrapper to make sure they will know it is from us :)My sister and Steven.

They are getting ready to mochi tsuki!!
Steven is ready, too!!

First, knead the steamed sweet rice in the big stone bowl. And....

POUND!!! Yeah, Steven, way to go!!

After poungind, the local ladies are shaping into round mochi...

After the Steven's a little excercise, we went to hot spring which is faced to the beautiful ocean!! It was cold till got into the bath tub but it was sooooo good after that. All the muscle got relax and...Oh, wait, I didn't do mochi-tsuki it was Steven who needed to relax :)