The rest of the days in Chicago.
I went to an Aquarium. I am so spoiled by the great one in Monterey so this one in Chicago was so so to me. Thought the fish tanks are small and fishes look sad there. Chicagoでは他にしたこと。1.水族館へ行く(水槽が小さくてなんだか寂しそうでした。)
I went to an Aquarium. I am so spoiled by the great one in Monterey so this one in Chicago was so so to me. Thought the fish tanks are small and fishes look sad there. Chicagoでは他にしたこと。1.水族館へ行く(水槽が小さくてなんだか寂しそうでした。)
But this puffer fish looks happy and it was so cute! Click the "play icon" to start movie.
Steven took a half day off and we did an architectural river ride. We had a great time on the boat but it got so cold at the end of 1 1/2 hour trip.
I had a lot of fun in Chicago. The three weeks has passed very fast. I also enjoyed the library, the yarn shop( I knitted a lot. The photos are coming soon...), walking by the river, Fall colored leaves and so on. Thank you, Chicago!! 他には図書館、毛糸屋さん(たくさん編み物をしたのでそれは又、後ほど)へ行ったり、川沿いを散歩したり、秋色の木々を楽しんだりの3週間でした。シカゴいい街だ!(でも冬には来ない。寒すぎるから。)