" It is.........ICHIROOOOOOO!!!!!"

their signature dish, salmon was ohh sooo good....it melted in the mouth.
" It is.........ICHIROOOOOOO!!!!!"
After the Loooong flight (Oita-Osaka-Oahu-Big Island), we finally arrived Big Island! Need to have a tropical drink!!
We stayed condominium type resort so we relaxed in the living room, had breakfast at the balcony, cooked dinner....
We also went out for local foods. This is LocoMoco. Probably it was not the healthiest food, it was sooo good. The gravy was wonderful.
Main event at Big Island...Volcano National Park.
After walking thorough the rain forest....
We saw the crater! Are we going to walk down there on the crater? I saw some steam coming out and it looks hot...
YES, we are....
Steven explaining how the hold were made...Tell me more Mr.Scientist!
Next day we took a snorkeling cruise. It was the first time for Steven to snorkel.
Well, he liked the snack bar on the boat.
Dolphins came to say hi to us :)
Snorkeling was SO much fun. Steven loved it and he was the last one to come back to the boat. We got off from the boat with a HUGE appetite.Oh, Steven, your drinks is so CUTE :)
The Kona coffee at Coffee Shack was wonderful!!
Goofing off to kill time for the flight to Honolulu...
I had henna tattoo at the Local Farmer's market. Cool!! The last meal at Big Island was at Lulu's.
Oh..As Steven found a new job in Beppu, I also found one here in Big Island :)