Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hong Kong 7 : Leaving Hong Kong

We had coffee and some pastries for breakfast in the hotel room. We are leaving Hong Kong soon. I am going to Japan before going home but Steven needs to go home since he has some work to do....Sniff sniff....コーヒーとペーストリーをホテルのお部屋で食べて、そろそろ香港を出発します。私は家に帰る前にパパの17回忌のお参りするため、日本に寄り道。Stevenは仕事のため立ち寄れずまっすぐ家へ。グスン。

We went to Central station and checked in there. This is the coolest system ever! You don't have to the airport to check in yourself and luggage. All can be done in town!! We both checked in and Steven left for the airport. I will miss you, honey!! See you at home in 10 days...Now I have 5 hours for my flight so went back to town and will enjoy the last moments in HK.
I am sitting at a bar in SOHO area and having mango juice (it was 10am and too early for Cosmopolitan) and writing my diary.


The view from the bar and me. バーからの眺め…と私。
I kept walking and walking ....そして歩き続けます。

Before I headed to airport, I needed to have the last noodle at my favorite noodle store. I will miss these noodle....

The daily market is always interesting in any places in the world. You can see local people's lives there. デイリーのマーケットは世界中どこでも楽しい。ローカルの人々の生活を垣間見れます。
The last pic in Hong Kong is an Year of the rabbit bus. My year!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hong Kong 6: Shanghai style dim sum

After the 3 mile run in the hotel gym ( I have been running 3 miles EVERY DAY in Hong Kong otherwise I will gain weight with all the yummy food.), I had "small" bowls of noodle (I swear they were only 3-4 inch bowls!!) Shrimp won ton noodle and dry shrimp egg powder over the dry noodle.

Left Central area where I was and went to Time square to explore Hong Kong. It was a few hours later I had the noodle that Steven called me. "Where are you, honey? We are going to have dim sum in Times Square area. Care to join us?" Of course I care and I AM in that area. I didn't tell him I had two noodles earlier.

Ohhhhhh, they were sooooooo good. It was Shanghai style dim sum and we had a lot of dishes I hadn't even seen before. There are only four pictures above. Well, we ate 10 more dishes at least. With Steven's coworkers in HK, seven of us. Including Shanghai dumplings with crab eggs in them!!!

They went back to the office and I went back to explore the town. Sorry, guys!

I know I am putting too many food entries but I am in Hong Kong, dude. I cannot avoid the topics. Too many good food here. Now we chose this tiny restaurant for dinner.

We went in because our favorite Anthony Bourdain came here and said "This pork was a highlight of the Hong Kong stay" in his show. Yes, he was right. The pork skin was very crispy, almost like hard baguette crust and juicy and deep taste inside. I am sure it was deep fried first. We shared this dish and keep screaming. "So goood!!"
ここに決めた理由は入り口に新聞記事が張ってあって、大好きなAnthony Bourdainがここに来て「ここのポークは香港旅行のハイライトだった。」と彼のテレビ番組で言ったそうなので。んー、彼は間違ってませんでした、ポークの皮がとてもカリカリしておせんべいくらいの噛み応えで中のお肉は柔らかくてジューシーで、深いあじわい。最初に油で揚げてあるのでしょうけれど、なんておいしいの!この一皿を二人で分けて食べたのだけど、「うひゃー、おいしー!」って叫び続けてました。

Lung Kee Restaurant
G/F, 5 Gage Street,
Central, Hong Kong

We don't do bar hopping but we do restaurant hopping. A little walk after the decadent pork & rice, we had noodles. Again, shrimp won ton noodle. I've just got an email from Sumiko from San Francisco saying "Eat their noodle till you get sick. You cannot go to Hong Kong every day. You don't want to regret later" Yes, I took your advice, Sumiko san. This was 4 or 5 th bowls of noodle in 5 days. :)
私たちは飲み屋さんのはしごはしないけれど、レストランのはしごはします。ポークを食べたあとちょっと歩いて、またもや海老ワンタン麺。San Franciscoのすみ子さんからEmailが来てて、「めったに来れるわけじゃないのだから、本場の麺をおなか壊す覚悟でたくさん食べるべし。」と。はい。アドバイス通りにしております。すみ子さん。

Time to go back to the hotel to pack. We are leaving tomorrow. We took the last tram ride and said good by to Hong Kong.

Good night, Hong Kong and thank you. We had a LOT of fun here!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hong Kong 5: Dim sum in Kowloon

We are going to Kowloon to have dim sum. Dim sum for Sunday brunch? Isn't it perfect?! We took a ferry again to get there.

Jessica made a reservation for us and it was Beijing style dim sum which is a little different from Cantonese style we usually have. I think it is spicier and more meat dishes. The jelly fish was great. They are big chunks and soft and juicy!

After the dim sum brunch, we walked around the town. The highlight of the day was massage on the Nathan street. We had shoulder+back massage and foot massage. Ohhhhhhh, we were in the heaven!

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hong Kong 4 : Macau & night life

Steven is off today so we are going to Macau! One more stamp on our passports! We took a tram to go to ferry terminal. Look at the price for this tram ride. It is only HK$ 2 which is 30 cents or so in US dollars!!

We bought Portuguese egg tart for breakfast since we are going to Macau where was a colony of Portugal. マカオに行くのだもの、ポルトガルエッグタルトを食べとかないとね。ポルトガルの植民地だったそう。

Well, we didn't know they serve food in the ferry so we ate a little bit of ferry food. Oh, we were in Super Class and regular class people don't get this food. Hee hee hee...(Only $10 difference so it is not a big deal....silly me.) 実はフェリーの中で食事が出るなんて知らなかったの。タルトを食べた私達は船内食を少しだけいただきました。あ、これはスーパークラスでの話で、普通のクラスでは食事は出ませんのよ。おほほ。(たかだか、$10の差額なので大したことないです。)

Macau has interesting mixed cultures of China and Portugal. The colorful buildings remind me of Brazil...

We passed on casinos and visited world heritage sites. First we saw ruins of st. Paul's. Definitely European style church and the gate was very beautiful. 

There were some cannons around the area and we took usual silly pictures.

Pretty view from the hill.

We walked through other historical buildings (no pics) and now we are starving! We asked a guard of a museum for Macau food restaurant and here it is!!

Reataurante Litoral
Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261A, Macau

We ordered salted cod salad, seafood curry dish and African chicken. Ohhhh, it was good. It tasted like Thai food a little bit. Spicy and sweet.

Last place to visit was A-Ma Temple. This was Chinese style temple which has reddish color buildings with ceramic roof tiles. 最後の場所はA-MA寺院。中国スタイルで、赤系統の建物と瓦屋根できれいです。

OK. It is time to go back to Hong Kong island. Steven needs to go to work to fix something....On the way back, sweets and tea sandwich were served.....We had a little bit because we were still full from the big lunch. さてと。Stevenがオフィスにちょっとよらなければならないので、そろそろ帰りましょうか。帰りの便ではハイティー風のスナックがあのランチの後ではこれを完食するのは私でも無理。
He took a tram to go to work. Come back early, honey!!

The tram with Steven is going away....wait a minute, he is still waving!!!

After Steven came back to the hotel, we went to a sky bar, Sevva to meet our friends. Bar!? We don't go out for drink so often so I was excited. See I am wearing leopard print mini dress !! I think the last time I wore this kind of night life dress was 10 years ago.


After we enjoyed beautiful views and talking, we movd to Mandarin Oriental Hotel to get some late night snack! Four of us shared these three sweets. Mmmmmm everything was tasty. Wow, it was a long day with full of fun!!

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Hong Kong 3 : Kowloon Area

They are the seats in the Star Ferry. I liked its old atmosphere.

Yes, I took this ferry to across the water to go to Kowloon area. It was beautiful day for being on the water. Felt nice breeze and listened to the water noise the boat made.

Kowloon is a big shopping area and is famous for its colorful signs.

I did some shopping in Hong Kong island earlier so noting special to buy here. However, I found Hainan chicken restaurant and had lunch there. The waitress didn't speak English so the guy sitting next me helped me with ordering. He also showed me a restaurant search site, openrice.com. Looks like very popular in Hong Kong. The chicken was very juicy and tasty. Glad to pick this restaurant.

After I came back to hotel, I decided to take the double Decker tram to go to Wang Chai area. LOVE IT!!!! I liked the old style tram and it reminded me of the street train I used to ride with mom when I was a kid. The view from the upstairs is very nice. The most I liked was this tram doesn't have any glasses on their windows so I can feel night breeze looking down the old town.
ホテルに戻って来てから、例のダブルデッカーのトラムに乗ってワンチャイ エリアに行くことにしました。このトラムすごくいい!中の古めかしい感じがお気に入り。子供のころママと乗った路面電車を思い出しました。2階からのながめは最高。でも一番よかったのは窓にガラスがなかったことかな。夜風を感じながら、この旧い町を見下ろせる。

Mmmmm, so exotic... んー、エキゾチックですねえ。
Steven works late tonight so I need to have dinner by myself. I ate noodles and dumplings already so wanted something else. This cute restaurant had an interesting menu. I had steamed pork ground meat and ohhhhhhhh it was very good.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hong Kong 2: Victoria Peak

We took a tram to go up to Victoria Peak. It was only week day but it was very crowded and we needed to wait 3 turns to get into the tram.

The view from the peak was just amazing. Looked like a jewelry box.

There is a light show at 8pm every day but we couldn't see it well but no needed any shows. The lights on the buildings are just gorgeous.

They had a big heart shaped love shrine (?) and you can tie a paper with your wishes. I did one, too!! 大きなハート型のラブ神社(?)があって告白やお願いを書いた紙を結び付けます。私もやってきました。