Sunday, September 26, 2010

Candlestick Park Antique Market

I heard they have a new antique market in Candlestick Park once a month so went there with Riri who was visiting in the City form Japan. This was the third time they had the market here and it was great. A lot of vendors were there and found interesting stuff. I don't have to go to Alameda any more because this place is much closer from my place. We spent 4 to 5 hours having fun there but it was so hot today. It is rare to be hot like this at Candlestick park. The vendors were all saying, "It was freezing cold last time!"

We went to Grace Cathedral, too. What a beautiful cathedral. I couldn't get good pictures inside but the stained glass were amazing! 同じ日ではありませんが、Grace Cathedralへも行きました。なんて美しい聖堂。内部での写真がイマイチよくとれなかったのだけど、ステンドグラスがすばらしかった。

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cooking & Gardening

We got Prosciutto de Palma at Wholefoods Market. I thought it wouldn't be a big difference from other Prosciutto we usually get but I was WROOOOONG! This prosciutto has gentle saltiness and it melts on your tongue! It is definitely worth paying $28/pound. We had it with figs, pears and walnuts.

I forgot when I made this but this pork with Marsala and mushroom was very good. I tweaked the Malio Batali's this recipe. The grilled veggies are marinated in balsamic vinegar. これはいつ作ったか忘れたけどマサラ酒とマッシュルームのポーク。Malio Bataliのこのレシピを参考にして作ってみたけどおいしかった。グリル野菜はバルサミコで。

Now our garden is still doing well in the end of Summer. Kabocha, Japanese pumpkins are about the size of baseball right now. Hope they keep growing.  夏も終わりに近づいていますが、野菜達は元気に育っています。かぼちゃは軟式野球のボールくらいに大きいよ。もっと大きくなってね。

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mountain Winery Concert

We went to Sheryl Crow's concert at Mountain Winery. This winery is the place we got married and Steven was looking forward to seeing the venue after they remodeled. I have already seen it when I went to Earth, Wind & Fire in August. シェリルクロウのコンサートへMountain Wineryまで行ってきました。このワイナリーは私たちが結婚した場所なので思いも深く、Stevenにはリモデル後はじめて見ることになります。私は8月の終わりに美樹さんとEarth, Wind &Fireを見たときに行ったので見たけれど。

We had dinner at Bai Tong where we had a rehearsal dinner. The food there was great as usual.
コンサートの前にBai Tongという、これまた私たちのリハーサルディナー(結婚式の前の日に家族や友人とする夕食)をしたタイレストランへ行きました。ここはいつ来てもおいしいのです。

Bai Tong Thai Restaurant
14515 Big Basin Way
Saratoga, CA 95070

The venue was beautifully remodeled and now has a great sound system and lights.

Sheryl Crow was great. Her voice filled this space nicely and we enjoyed the breeze, trees, stars and clean air as well.

I came here to see Earth, Wind & Fire with Miki on August 31. We got up from the seat and danced!
先月の31日には美樹さんとEarth, Wind &Fireに来たのだけどすごくよかった。席で踊ったよ。

I will go to Daryl Hall and John Oats with Cory on 27th September. Cannot wait!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Crazy Hat Party

Our neighbors, Tom & Paul throw a Crazy Hat Party and here are our hats I made. Below is a Mad Hatter's hat from Alice in Wonderland for Steven. I wrapped an old straw hat with foam and fabric, tied with a pink fabric, and added some peacock feathers.
ご近所さんのTom&Paulがクレイジーハットパティーをしたのですが、こちらが私達の帽子。これはSteven用に不思議の国のアリスのMad Hatter(帽子屋)の帽子。古い麦わら帽子にフォームを巻きつけ、布地を貼り、ピンクのリボンと孔雀の羽をつけたらできあがり!

See, almost identical, isn't it? Almost...

What is good with Mad hatter? Alice don't have a hat so....rabbit! I needed glasses and a pocket watch to be a rabbit in Alice in Wonderland but this is for a Hat Party, not a Halloween so I saved the complete look for Halloween.
The party was FUN!! These people are creative! Down-Right is Paul's hat and it has real french fries. He said he needed to dry them to glue them together.

The little girl with a lump shade was so cute. She asked Steven and me, "Are you guys from Alice in Wonderland? Really?"このランプシェードをかぶったこの少女は本当にかわいかった。Stevenと私に「あなた達って不思議の国のアリスからきたの?本当に本当?」とマジな顔で聞いてました。

The top-left is a hat with woman's legs. It was too heavy to wear and the hat was on the table after this. 左上の帽子は女性の足がくっついているのだけど、重すぎてかぶれず、この後はテーブルの上に置きっぱなしになってました。

Big one below is a picture Teresa took. Mine doesn't look like a rabbit so added one showing my ears. 下の大きな写真はTeresaが撮ったもの。私の帽子がうさぎに見えないから耳をみせてる写真を加えました。

This guy was also wearing a hat. He was kind of quiet though. :) I brought Basil Pesto+sun dried tomato appetizer. We had a lot of fun & laugh at this party. Thank you, Tom & Paul! 庭にたたずむ無口な彼も帽子をかぶっていました。右のは私が持っていったバジルペスト+サンドライドトマトのスナック。大笑いの本当に楽しいパーティーでした。

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